DAMIAN SMYTH Writing Things
Readings & events
English Street was launched at the Belfast Book Festival in June 2018. Any events related to writing will appear on this page.
January 2019 - the blog essay on this site on Dame Edith Sitwell appeared in The North magazine, issue 61
16 February - 3pm : introducing four poets at Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy
26 February - 6.30pm : talk on Mary Ann McCracken, Clifton House, Belfast
20 April - Hurrah. After almost a year, there is at last a review of English Street. It's in Poetry Ireland Review, issue 127. I hope there will be at least one extract that can pitch up on here in due course.
05 May - Preparing a small privately-printed booklet with several items, entitled Narrations, for personal distribution. This could be the way to go in the future.